Administrative Assistant
Qualification: Cert. III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Year of Graduation: 2020
Education Provider: North Metropolitan TAFE
Job Title: Administration Assistant
Employer: St John of God Health Care
Country of Origin: The Philippines
Are there any notable experiences from your time studying you’d like to share?
The support of fellow international students is superb. We know the struggle and sacrifices we’ve made just to come to Australia, so we got each other’s back. It’s very nice to feel that we are supporting each other, not competing. It made my international student life easy and comfortable. For example, if I missed a class, I would receive all the information I needed to keep me on track.
If you could tell your graduate self one piece of career advice what would it be and why?
“Comfort is the enemy of progress”. If you feel stuck, then you are stuck. Move on and find that challenge.
Tell us about your experience since leaving North Metropolitan TAFE. How has your career progressed to date? Any professional achievements you’d like to share?
After completing my certificate at North Metropolitan TAFE, I immediately got a job in the childcare sector. I stayed in this job for two years until I decided to pursue another career; I am working in a hospital now.
What are some of your passions and interests?
I am passionate about my job so I always go the extra mile, which I get a lot of compliments on. In addition, I am into photography and event organising. I also play sports on the side and go op shopping (thrifting) and find treasures to flip.
What are the top 3 skills you need in your role as an Administrative Assistant?
- Communication skills
- Having quick thinking and initiative
- Time management skills
What was your main reason(s) to select Perth as your study destination?
My sister is here in Perth and she’s one of the main reasons why I am here. Also, the weather and time zone are like the Philippines, so I didn’t have to adjust much.
What have you enjoyed the most about living and studying in Perth?
I like how the people here are nice. You can easily make a conversation with a stranger. During the peak of the pandemic too, I appreciate how the government in Perth handled the situation. There are also various organisations that assist international students and provide events for them to have a study break.
What would you say to students thinking of coming to Perth to study?
Perth is a great choice to study. It may not be as famous as the other states, but you’ll have what you need here in Perth. We've got great schools, great working opportunities, and great people.
Did you use any of the StudyPerth service offerings during your time studying? And if so, which support services were helpful?
I was part of the StudyPerth International Student Ambassador 2020 cohort and it offered me great benefits. I have attended many events and was also able to mingle with fellow international students and make wider connections. StudyPerth also provides training opportunities that have been highly essential during my stay in Australia.