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Shrudeep Suresh

Ambassador Program Coordinator

Since joining StudyPerth in February 2021, Shrudeep has become an invaluable part of the team, taking on a dynamic role that reflects his passion for cultural exchange and student success. As our Ambassador Program Coordinator, he oversees and nurtures our vibrant group of International Student Ambassadors, ensuring they thrive in their roles. 

In his role, Shrudeep develops and implements programs that foster cultural exchange, community engagement, and leadership development. He's the go-to mentor for our ambassadors, guiding them through recruitment, training, and ongoing support to help them shine throughout their journey as StudyPerth Ambassadors and international students. 

A former StudyPerth International Student Ambassador himself in 2021, Shrudeep is also navigating his own academic adventure, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Finance, and Cybersecurity at The University of Western Australia. His time at StudyPerth as both a staff member and an International Student Ambassador, plus his experience being an international student in Perth, provides him with a deep understanding of the challenges and joys that come with moving to and studying in Perth. His skills in management, communication, and cross-cultural engagement make him the perfect guide for those embarking on their own journeys. 

What drives Shrudeep is his genuine desire to help others. Every day at StudyPerth presents him the chance to make a difference, whether it's supporting fellow students or fostering a sense of belonging. The fulfilment he finds in guiding students as they embark on their unique paths is truly inspiring. 

Outside of work, you can find Shrudeep indulging in his love for movies and cooking, or hanging out at our International Student Hub. He's also a sports enthusiast at heart, with a particular passion for basketball, and also enjoying golf and swimming when he can.

His advice for international students? "There is so much more to experience in Perth than just studying!"